全部 / 前端 / 技术 · 2022年6月30日 0

49 – JavaScript 中的类:基础篇



JavaScript 开发者有多种多样的代码风格,有的是函数式、有的是面向对象式。类或者类的构造器是面向对象编程的一部分。类可以看成创建对象的模板,这个模板可以设置一些初始值和提供一些特定的方法。

JavaScript 通过构造函数和 new 操作符完全可以提供这种模板,这也是多数人把 JavaScript 中的类作为一个语法糖。这并不完全正确,随着我们在这个JavaScript博客系列中的进展,你会发现这一点。

类或类关键字是在 ES2015/ES6 中引入的。


class EmployeeRecord {
    name = "New User";
    id = 0;

    constructor(firstName, lastName, id) {
        this.name = `${firstName} ${lastName}`;
        this.id = id;

const employee1 = new EmployeeRecord("Parwinder", "Bhagat", 1);
const employee2 = new EmployeeRecord("Lauren", "L", 2);

console.log(employee1.name); // Parwinder Bhagat
console.log(employee2.name); // Lauren L

类的声明是通过 class 关键字,然后跟着一个名字。类体是包含在大括号中的,除了缺少参数就像函数声明一样。

参数是被传到构造器中的,当类被实例化时用来初始化值。把它想象为类中的一个方法,同时一旦类创建了一个新对象它就会立马执行。在类中只有一个唯一的 “constructor” 方法。



let EmployeeRecord = class {
    name = "New User";
    id = 0;

    constructor(firstName, lastName, id) {
        this.name = `${firstName} ${lastName}`;
        this.id = id;

const employee1 = new EmployeeRecord("Parwinder", "Bhagat", 1);
const employee2 = new EmployeeRecord("Lauren", "L", 2);

console.log(employee1.name); // Parwinder Bhagat
console.log(employee2.name); // Lauren L

Getters 和 Setters

我们通过对象的 getters 和 setters 来获取或设置属性的值,我们依旧可以在类中这样使用。

let EmployeeRecord = class {
    firstName = "";
    lastName = "";

    constructor(firstName, lastName) {
        this.firstName = firstName;
        this.lastName = lastName;

    get employeeFullName() {
        return `${this.firstName} ${this.lastName}`;;

    set employeeFirstName(firstName) {
        this.firstName = firstName;

    set employeeLastName(lastName) {
        this.lastName = lastName;

const employee1 = new EmployeeRecord("Parwinder", "Bhagat");
const employee2 = new EmployeeRecord("Lauren", "L");

// With a getter you do not need the () brackets

// A setter will prohibit someone from outside the class from changing the setter
employee1.employeeFullName = "Ricky Ricardo"; // Cannot assign to 'employeeFullName' because it is a read-only property.

// But we can use our helpful setter to do so!
// Keep in mind that a setter only takes one value

employee1.employeeFirstName = "Ricky";
employee1.employeeLastName = "Ricardo";

console.log(employee1.employeeFullName); // Ricky Ricardo
